EAGLE PASS, Texas – Alabama’s newest U.S. senator has spent more time at the southern border than on Capitol Hill during her brief time in office.
‘The people of Alabama did not elect me to let grass grow under my feet,’ Sen. Katie Britt said, standing in the shadow of a farmhouse outside Uvalde, Texas. ‘They elected me to get in here and to do something.’
Britt was in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 3 to get sworn in the U.S. Senate. The next week, the Republican joined a delegation of senators visiting the southern border, speaking with officials and others impacted by the migrant crisis.
‘In Washington, we have a problem with people who do a lot of talking but don’t actually take action,’ Britt said. ‘It’s day six on the job. It took Joe Biden 718 days to make it to the border, and here I am. Seeing it firsthand matters.’
Britt is considered a rising star in the GOP, handily winning a primary fight with former Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks. She went on to defeat her general election opponent, Democrat Will Boyd, by 36 points.
But the University of Alabama alumna is no stranger to Capitol Hill. She worked as chief of staff to Sen. Richard Shelby, who she succeeded this month.
Britt described herself as senator ‘100 out of 100’ in terms of her place in the pecking order on Capitol Hill. She later clarified that she was actually 99th — though still last — since Ben Sasse vacated his Nebraska seat and hadn’t been replaced when she made the remark.
‘When people say, ‘senator?’ I still kind of sort of look around and say, like, ‘who’s around me?’ So it has not quite sunk in,’ Britt said.
‘I am a wife. I am a momma of two school aged kids,’ said Britt. ‘My husband [former NFL player Wesley Britt] and I wrestled with even getting in this race.’
‘We believed that if our generation didn’t step up and fight for the next generation, we weren’t sure what was going to be left for our children,’ she continued.
Britt said there was ‘no shortage’ of issues to tackle when the Senate returns to Capitol Hill later this month.
‘Obviously, reining in spending, making sure that we drive down inflation, becoming not only energy independent again, but energy dominant,’ Britt told Fox News. ‘Unfortunately, right now in our country, whether we’re looking overseas at what’s going on there, here on our border or here at home, we have a lot in front of us.’
‘But I believe in this nation,’ she added. ‘I believe that it is my generation’s time to step up and to contribute, to make sure that the American dream is alive and well for the next generation.’
To watch the full interview with Britt, click here.